Why We Chose Lafila Boumbou

When we first encountered Belem and his Rehabilitation Center, we were amazed to see how, entirely on his own, this extraordinary traditional African healer welcomes, treats, and rehabilitates the patients who come to his facility. Hundreds of patients have regained mobility and speech. The dedication of the doctor and his team is relentless. From a medical standpoint, they have everything they need, but there is much to be done for the center’s infrastructure and logistics: dormitories for patients and their families, bathrooms, showers, a plumbing system, and energy storage would be significant improvements to enhance the work and the stay of the patients and their families.


We have identified several areas of intervention to improve Belem’s rehabilitation center, and some of them have already been accomplished! Thanks to the generous donations we’ve received, we managed to purchase land to build new cottages for the stay of the most severe patients, and we have started and are completing the work on accessible bathrooms and showers for people with disabilities. A lot has already been donated, but there is still more to be done! These are our goals to complete our solidarity support for Lafi La Boumbou.

New cottages for patients​ (8 already completed!)

Currently, the most severe cases are housed in mud cottages. We want to demolish them and rebuild more functional ones using bricks produced on-site. A total of 18 cottages need to be rebuilt; the model will be the 7 cottages we already completed in 2019.

Cost: €900 per cottage

siamo già a 8!

Accessible bathrooms // ALREADY COMPLETED!

At Lafi La Boumbou, the current toilets are quite basic and unsuitable for people with limited mobility. It is essential to build bathrooms for people with disabilities and to tile the walls, making them easier to clean and maintain.

Cost: €15,000

Già realizzati!

Photovoltaic System

Install a new 9kW photovoltaic system (panels, charger, inverter) with energy storage in stationary batteries specifically designed for this purpose.

Cost: €9,000

A new common dormitory​

Demolish the canopy currently used as a common dormitory, where people sleep in "stations" separated only by rags, and rebuild it with very small rooms divided by walls and doors.

Estimated Cost: €15,000

Plumbing system

Electrify the water lifting system to store water in a 5,000-liter tank placed 5 meters high. Create a primary water distribution network within the clinic.

Cost: €8,000

... and then?

For a facility like this, there are countless things we can do ...

How to Donate?

Donating is simple, and you can do it in three ways: 1. By Bank Transfer 2. Via PayPal


Hard to describe, but try to get an impression like this.

What is Lafi la Boumbou and who is Belem, the physiotherapist who gets sick people back on their feet

LafilaBumbu (translated “Healthcare is precious”) is the re-education center of Belem, an ingenious and stubborn physiotherapist, who operates on the outskirts of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.

With the techniques passed down to him by his father, also a traditional doctor, Belem has put hundreds of sick people back on their feet and re-educated them in speech, welcoming them together with their families in his modest and functional clinic.

How Patients Are Treated


When a patient arrives for the first time, they are welcomed by the entire clinic community, which gathers in the central square in front of a large wall filled with colorful drawings. As the first act of care, Belem shows the patient the book of many recoveries, and with the energy of the community gathered around, he instills confidence in the patient, who begins to believe in their recovery.


Treatment will last for many months. Given the difficulties in patient mobility, it follows that the patients will live within the facility for the entire treatment period. The relatives stay by their loved ones’ side, providing both psychological and practical support with mobility, as well as assisting with the center’s activities. For months, without interruption, the close interaction between the physiotherapist, the patient, the team, families, and the external community creates the conditions for a communal life that leads to truly exceptional positive results.
These results often surpass the best outcomes that could be achieved in our Western centers of excellence for motor rehabilitation, where the techniques are certainly optimized, but the experience for both patients and relatives is far less immersive than at Belem’s clinic.


We have nothing to teach Belem: he and his team are entirely self-sufficient in their work, and the results they achieve clearly demonstrate this. They don’t even need money, as they work without asking anything from their patients, who pay if and when they can, but who have never failed to provide their financial support over the years. Over the years, Belem’s clinic has grown, despite having limited resources, to meet the ever-increasing demands. However, today it shows clear signs of wear and tear, and most importantly, it lacks an integrated plan. Every corner is used to its fullest, but everything needs modernization or maintenance.

How the Fundraising is Going

Belem and Lafi La Boumbou have already captivated many hearts, and the donations received so far have been generous and steady. Thanks to those who have already contributed, we have been able to:
“Nasara per il Burkina” is a non-profit organization (ONLUS) that has been involved in International Cooperation in Africa since 2007.
It operates in Burkina Faso, contributing to the fields of education, healthcare, and the empowerment of the most vulnerable groups.
The organization has its operational center in one of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of the capital, Ouagadougou, Djicofè, where it has established and manages a kindergarten, an adult literacy school, and a physiotherapy center for children with disabilities.
Our well distributes 1,600 buckets of water to neighborhood families every day. To support educational inclusion, we are building an elementary school that will be inaugurated next September; the school will accommodate 360 children, most of whom come from families in need.

What is Nasara per il Burkina?

nasara per il burkina logo

How to Donate?

Donating is simple, and you can do it in three ways: 1. By Bank Transfer 2. Via PayPal