The embryo of the association was born from the will of a small group of people who, voluntarily and without a stable organization, began operating in Burkina Faso, with the aim of creating more humane living conditions for all those in need.


 The activities in Burkina Faso were mediated by local contacts who allowed us to build schools, parts of hospitals, help the leprosarium and the old age home, bring aid to prisoners, and everything else that needed to be done.


 We decided to give a legal form to our activities and founded a volunteer association in Italy, which we named “Nasara per il Burkina,” which became an ONLUS, registered with Administrative Decision No. 241 of 01/23/2007, in the Regional Registry of Tuscany, where it is still registered today in the Grosseto section (Law 266/91 and subsequent amendments, including L.R.T. No. 21/2016).


 Teatrando Project for AIDS Prevention through Popular Theater in Schools.


 Activities began in the villages in the Savannah for the construction of wells, supply of motor pumps and mills, village toilets, and small photovoltaic systems. These activities continued until 2016. Currently, they are suspended due to the risks posed by active terrorism in the inland areas.


 We obtained recognition from the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization as a Burkinabè legal entity with protocol number: 2012/000069/MATDS/DGLPAP/DAO.


 We set the goal of concentrating our activities in a peripheral neighborhood of the capital, where infrastructure and services were lacking, and where population density created the greatest difficulties. To this end, we created in the unzoned neighborhood of Djicofè a Social Center, which soon became our operational base, providing the minimum requirements to work effectively for the benefit of the population: a defined and protected area, a well for water, electricity from photovoltaic panels, sanitary facilities, and some buildings to provide services.
From this year, activities directed towards the population began without the mediation of local contacts. The first significant operation was the creation and management of a Kindergarten in two classes with 85 children aged 3-4-5 years, of whom 30% were Social Cases.


 The Microcredit activity began at the Djicofè Social Center, benefiting 180 women in the neighborhood.

The first cycle of the Adult Literacy School in the Mooré dialect began, followed in subsequent years by other sessions in French. At the end of each cycle of about six months, a Ministerial Inspector awards diplomas to the students.


 We began collaborating with the Ministry of Health to support some Traditional Doctors of particular ability. Among them, we began collaborating with the Laafila Bumbu clinic, which works in the field of adult disabilities.


 We completed the third classroom of the Kindergarten and immediately reached 200 children who eat every day in the Kindergarten canteen.


 For activities in favor of Traditional Medicine, Nasara was awarded one of Burkina Faso’s most important national honors, the medal of “Chevalier of the National Order for Health.


 At the Djicofè Social Center, we opened a Children’s Rehabilitation Center that deals with children’s disabilities. At the same time, we began supporting a second children’s rehabilitation center at the Saint Gerard Center in the capital.


 We completed the first three classrooms of the Primary School, enrolling 170 children, of whom 35% were Social Cases.


 The other three classrooms of the Primary School were completed, and 430 children enrolled in the six classes, of whom 35% were Social Cases; 150 children eat at the Primary School canteen.