2010 – Nanorò Medical Home

In order for the hospital in Nanoró to function, it is necessary for many volunteer doctors to go to the small village for long periods of time to work there. In Nanoró there are no hotels, no B&Bs and no inns ...

The hospital in Nanorò is now considered one of the best hospitals in Central Africa and we at Nasara for Burkina have contributed to its construction.
In order for the hospital to function, it is necessary for many volunteer doctors to go to Nanorò for even long periods of time to lend their services.
Nanorò is little more than a village, there are no hotels, no B&Bs or small inns, and there are no bars, restaurants or simple taverns. We are in the middle of the savannah with poor mud houses all around us, often disconnected from electricity, which has only arrived in Nanorò a few years ago.
In this context, on the initiative of our president Don Lido, a beautiful house has been built for the doctors and nurses who come to do voluntary work.

The house was built right next to the hospital in 2008-2009 and has been operational since 2010.
It has 10 two-bed rooms with bathroom, a laundry room and a large kitchen where one can cook for a large number of people.
Numerous doctors and nurses are using it with satisfaction, lightening the workload of the Camillians’ house, which has accommodated everyone so far.


In evidenza

Post Correlati

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