A journey to inspire

Finally, we are thrilled to celebrate the high school graduation of Matthias, whose journey is a testament to the power of human connection. Tommaso met Matthias during one of his first missions in Burkina. Matthias is an orphan, and was at the time living in one of the poorest areas around, in a house of mud, not far from our Center. Mathias’ grandmother came with him to the center, asking for help. She couldn’t speak French, but only the local language, More, and she was trying to get help for him. Tommaso and his friends from Milan decided to support Mathias’ studies, on top of purchasing a bike for him. The grandmother thanked them by preparing some Sumbala, a traditional fermented seed condiment. Today, Mathias is getting ready to start a new chapter in his life, pursuing a career as an expert electrician by attending a professional school, which was his dream. We look forward to Matthias’ new journey!


In evidenza

Post Correlati

New beginnings

With the start of a new school year, we have a slew of potential new students applying to join our elementary school in Djicofè. The

A journey to inspire

Finally, we are thrilled to celebrate the high school graduation of Matthias, whose journey is a testament to the power of human connection. Tommaso met

A path to recovery

Our dear EbenEzer, a second grader, was unfortunately faced with a familial ligament condition. Her father brought her to our Dijcofe Medical Center 2 years