Nursery and Primary School on the outskirts of Ouagadougou

According to a Unicef study, the children in the most deprived and dangerous situation, even compared to their peers in rural areas, are the hundreds of millions living in 'urban slums' (neighbourhoods on the outskirts of large cities) who cannot access basic services.

Therefore, Nasara has been involved in schooling for more than ten years. In 2013, it opened a nursery school and later a primary school in the Social Centre in the Djicofè slum. To date:

  • 200 children attend kindergarten, 35% belong to socially disadvantaged families;
  • 433 children attend primary school, 30% belong to socially disadvantaged families;
  • 23 children out of primary school and belonging to disadvantaged families attend secondary schools in the district thanks to our association, which takes care of the school fees;
  • Around 200 people eat hot meals prepared by our nursery school kitchen every day;
  • Around 140 primary school students eat hot meals every day prepared by the canteen that we have given to a women’s association;
  • 20 employees regularly employed by the centre including teachers, caretakers, a cook and helper, and a gardener.

The Nursery School, created and run by Nasara, welcomes children aged 3-5 years old by looking after them, assisting them and initiating them into school. The Primary School accompanies the students until they graduate (12 years old).

The aim is to prevent children from growing up in poverty, in poor health, with inadequate nutrition, without stimulation.

Nasara has always been convinced that these practical results can lay the foundation for these children to reach their full potential in terms of cognitive development.

One school, multiple objectives

We are convinced that the results we are achieving go far beyond the result on the individual child, but are a stimulus for the growth of the entire neighbourhood:

  • School hours free mothers and other womencaring for children from traditional roles, allowing them to do small jobs that help support the family economy.
  • We help the inclusion of children with disabilities in the social environment by providing them with concrete help to lessen the effects of their illnesses.
  • We support, financially and with administrative support, the registration of children in the registry office of their municipality of residence, limiting the invisibility of many children towards health and education services.
  • We run a library and a study room accessible after dark where everyone, even the older ones, can study freely.
  • We provide basic services free of charge: electricity, drinking water, showers and first-class medical care.

Children are welcomed into our classrooms without any discrimination: race, caste, religious and political beliefs.

In the facility, everyone has the opportunity to lead a normal relational life, within a family-like environment.

An individualised educational project is adopted for each child in agreement with the relevant social services. We give ample space to cultural growth activities such as handicrafts, music, dance, theatre. To this end, a qualified professional team of qualified educators, assistants, artists, cooks, and other support staff operate the facility.

Would you like to see the area of our schools directly from Google Maps? Click here!


In evidenza

Post Correlati

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Traditional Medicine

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