Dedicated to Brother Vincenzo

"To work in Africa you need a cup of intelligence, a barrel of wisdom, an ocean of patience" These are the words of Brother Vincenzo to us volunteers who ask him for advice.



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Traditional Medicine

Since 2014, Nasara has supported the Traditional Doctors of Burkina Faso, together with the Ministry of Traditional Medicine. In 2017, the President of the State awarded Nasara a Knighthood in the Order of Health and Social Action, one of the most important awards at national level.

Children’s Physiotherapy Centres

Nasara has been supporting two physiotherapy centres for severely handicapped children since 2018. The first is the rehabilitation centre at Saint Gerard’s Hospital, in the capital, open 3 days a week, which handles around 450 interventions per month (around 60 children). The second is the rehabilitation centre inside our social centre in Djicofè, open 2 days a week, which handles about 180 interventions per month (about 25 children).

Infirmary at the Djicofè Social Centre

Since 2022, Nasara has been supporting an infirmary in the Djicofè Social Centre. Open three days a week at social rates (below cost), it handles more than 150 interventions per month. Interventions are mainly based on the use of ozone therapy, a technique that allows for sustainable treatment of the most common cases in a context of extreme poverty.