Nasara’s activities

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This film shows the other side activities of the kindergarten, with a library and photovoltaic system already in place, which are moving forward with a view to the sustainable development of the entire project.
The creation of a vegetable garden has met with the patronage of Slow Food International, which will enrol it among its ‘100,000 gardens in Africa’, and a perfect corollary to this initiative will be the funding from the Tuscany region for a chicken farm.
The micro-credit, started this year thanks to the collaboration with the local organisation ASIENA, has already involved some 200 women in the neighbourhood and will be the support for all these new activities.
Of course, this is only the beginning and we intend to further expand this operational practice that sees micro-credit as a tool through which to invest and improve both the health and economic status of the families involved, but above all the self-determination of the people, mostly women, who are the protagonists of the project. We will continue to update the site on the outcome of these initiatives and above all to thank everyone for their contribution and support.



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