Kindergarten in Ouagadougou – first year

Child at the blackboard in Burkina Faso

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It has already been a school year since we opened the kindergarten in Djicofè, a neighbourhood on the eastern outskirts of Ouagadougou.
The project idea was born in 2012, the construction took the whole of 2013, and finally last November the kindergarten started its activities.
At the moment 85 children aged 3-4-5 attend classes, 30 of whom are social cases, i.e. from totally destitute families. Nine people work at the centre, including teachers, assistants, cooks and assistant cooks, caretakers, ….
About 100 people eat at the centre every day!
In the approximately 11,000 square metres of land at our disposal, the following have been built: two classrooms with management, a kitchen, toilets, a well and reservoir, a warehouse, a large thatched roof.
A library is being built and should be operational for the next school year, as well as a photovoltaic system for electricity.
It is hoped to build a chicken farm and a vegetable garden soon.


In evidenza

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