Nasara News

Accomplished projects

2000/2010 – House of old women

In Burkina Faso becoming old, as we understand this term, is already very difficult since the average life expectancy is much lower than ours in

Accomplished projects

2000/2010 – Leprosarium

Whoever knows the leprosarium in Ouagadougou cannot separate it from the unforgettable image of the person who wanted it and who has been running it


2011 – Water is life (well in Goncè)

The main objective of the project is to make drinking water drawn from the depths available to the inhabitants of the area. The beneficiaries of the well will be all the farmers of the association and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. The pool of potential users is estimated at around 2,000 people.

Accomplished projects

2008-2012 – Prisoner assistance

Prisoners sleep on the floor (the lucky ones have mats), toilets are few and shabby, food is insufficient and those who have no relatives to bring them food go hungry.
Everything is needed in the prisons: food, a little soap, medicine.


2008 – Painting exhibitions

To speak of realised projects is to speak of activities to recover the money needed to realise them. Among the many such activities, we would like to mention the exhibition of paintings by Joseph Amedokpo, an artist from Togo, whose paintings were exhibited and sold at the SpazioInMostra gallery in Milan. With the money from the sales we built a water depot in a village in the Akumape parish where there are no pipelines to bring drinking water to its inhabitants.

Accomplished projects

2006 – Tailoring for HIV-positive girls

Odile is a 21-year-old girl living in a village near the capital, who has been HIV positive since she was 15. Odine, like other of her friends and fellow sufferers, attended a tailoring school and has a dream: to open her own tailoring workshop that would allow her to earn an income and thus independence.